Quotes From "Eight Girls Taking Pictures" By Whitney Otto

While she was in transit, being unattached was exhilarating, but...
While she was in transit, being unattached was exhilarating, but the moment she stopped, so did the high. Whitney Otto
Later, Jenny would say she seldom knew what she would take a picture of when she picked up a camera, that she only knew once she peered through the viewfinder, as if the photograph had finally found her. Whitney Otto
If the photographer isn't going to pay attention to the picture he is making, that if he thinks the camera is just a machine and not an avenue of expression, then he has no business asking anyone for anything, let alone their time and interest. Don't show the world, he said, invent the world. Whitney Otto
Among the things she said: "Women seem to possess all the natural gifts essential to a good portraitist ... such as personality, patience and intuition. The sitter ought to be the predominating factor in a successful portrait. Men portraitist are apt to forget this; they are inclined to lose the sitter in a maze of technique luxuriating in the cleverness and beauty of their own medium. Whitney Otto